Goals & Objectives of ITLS International
Objectives & Mission Statement of ITLS Ontario
ITLS Ontario-Organizational Structure
Chapter Executive Committee
Chapter Advisory Committee
Chapter Representation
- Chapter Medical Director
- Chapter Co-ordinator
- Affiliate Faculty
- Course Director
- Course Co-ordinator
- ITLS-Basic Instructor
- ITLS-Advanced Instructor
- ITLS-Pediatric Instructor
- ITLS-Access Instructor
- Provider
- Instructor
- PHTLS & ATLS Instructor Bridge Course
Course Conduction Protocols
- ITLS-Basic
- ITLS-Advanced
- ITLS-Pediatric
- ITLS-Access
- Course Length
- Student Requirements for Course Completion
- Pass/Fail Criteria
- Retest Policy
Documentation Submission Requirements for Courses
- ITLS Ontario Course Approval Form
- ITLS Ontario Course Summary Form
- ITLS Ontario Course Roster
- ITLS Ontario Course Evaluation Form
- Specific Time Requirements for Course Notification and Documentation Return:
- Generic ITLS Basic Roster
- Course Approval form
- Course Evaluation Form
- Course Summary Form
- Toronto Paramedic Services Medical Director Job Requirements
- Toronto Paramedic Services Education Supervisor Job Requirements
ITLS programs have been taught in the Province of Ontario since 1986 under the auspices of provincial, municipal, and local organizations as well as by invited visiting instructors from other jurisdictions.
In 1995, ITLS International required that a single organization govern ITLS in each province. Toronto Paramedic Services, formerly Toronto Emergency Medical Services, has been involved in teaching ITLS programs since 1986 and following discussion with other providers within the province, applied for and received the ITLS charter for the Province of Ontario in 1995.
This policy and procedures manual was originally developed and approved by the Ontario ITLS Co-ordinating Committee and is intended to assist all those involved in ITLS in Ontario.
Basic Trauma Life Support Ontario would like to acknowledge the following past and present ITLS Ontario staff for their vision in bringing ITLS Ontario to Toronto Emergency Medical services and for their contributions to ITLS Ontario at large:
John Dean
Bruce Farr
Dr. Martin Friedberg
David Grant
John Janson
Norm Lambert
Peter Macintyre
Mike Muir
Michael Neill
George Eliadis
Mike O’Donnell
- Teach basic hands on trauma care.
- Teach a target audience of emergency health care providers.
- Maintain quality assurance so that the same things are taught from chapter to chapter while allowing regional differences.
- Keep the course consistent.
- Keep the course short enough to be taught in a weekend.
- Strive to make teaching and learning ITLS simple and practical.
- Keep the course content conservative and non-controversial so that the principles taught reflect the standard of care.
- Establish and provide ITLS-basic, advanced, pediatric and access courses to pre-hospital care providers, hospital care providers and other health care professionals such as:
- Paramedics
- Registered Nurses
- Registered Practical Nurses
- Nursing Care and Paramedic students
- Physician and Medical students
- Firefighters
- Other emergency first responders as determined by ITLS International.
- Ensure a consistent standard of instruction is provided and programs are continually evaluated.
- To provide the learner with an environment conducive to learning by addressing the needs of the learner in the areas of comfort, relevance, experience and support.
- To provide the learner with an understanding of the etiology and pathology of trauma through lectures and presentations.
- To provide the learner with an understanding of an organized approach to the initial and detailed assessments of the trauma patient as well as appropriate patient transport.
- To provide the learner with an understanding of life-threatening critical injuries and how to recognize these conditions in the trauma patient.
- To provide the learner with the knowledge of, and an opportunity to practice, the skills used to intervene in critical situations.
- Establish a schedule of courses on a regular basis to ensure availability of course to target groups.
- Maintain a qualified pool of instructors, co-ordinators and medical directors to ensure coverage for all requested courses.
- Ensure the principles and philosophy of ITLS are maintained.
The purpose of the Executive Committee is to ensure that ITLS Ontario follows the spirit and rule of ITLS International and follows the policies of ITLS Ontario as they integrate with the oversight organization (The City of Toronto and Toronto Emergency Medical Services). Direction given by this committee will be based upon the rules and regulations that apply to all the above organizations.
Members of the Executive Committee will include but not limited to:
- The Chapter Medical Director
- The Chapter Coordinator
- The manager of Toronto Paramedic Services Education & Development
- A Representative/delegate of the Toronto Paramedic Services Board of Directors
- Ensure concerns are addressed with respect to the Ontario Chapter
- Oversee financial reports and business practices
- Provide representation to the Canadian ITLS Network and ITLS International
- Provide an annual report to the chief of Toronto Paramedic Services on the activities of ITLS Ontario
- Provide an annual report to the ITLS International as required
- Review Committee Terms of Reference Annually
- Committee meetings will be held annually or at the call of either co-chair. The Chapter Medical Director and the Chapter Coordinator will co-chair the meetings.
CHAPTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Formerly Coordinating Committee)
The Advisory Committee has been developed to assist in the co-ordination, administration and growth of ITLS in Ontario. The Chapter Advisory Committee will also ensure that the medical content of all ITLS courses in Ontario are consistent with the guidelines and principles of ITLS International. The Chapter Advisory Committee reports to the Chapter Coordinator any recommendations within their mandate.
Committee Membership:
- Provincial Medical Director
- Chapter Co-ordinator
- Affiliate Faculty (4 minimum)
Four Ontario affiliate faculty are to be represented on the Committee. At least one affiliate faculty member shall be from Toronto Paramedic Services. Initially, members for the Committee will be appointed by the Chapter Medical Director and Chapter Coordinator and subsequently will be elected by the Committee from nominations to be received from the Medical Director, Co-ordinator(s), Instructors or the Associate Medical Director(s) or Co-ordinator(s).
Note: This structure is currently under review
- Review and propose program maintenance, growth and expansion
- Ensure that program content is taught consistently
- Monitor instructor performance to ensure instructors have adequate training and resources
- Report on meetings and progress to the Chapter Coordinator and The Chapter Executive Committee
- Meet at least annually
Chapter functions that are supported by Toronto Emergency Medical Services
Toronto Paramedic Services is an operating department of the City of Toronto and serves as the administrative unit for the ITLS Ontario Chapter. The ITLS Ontario Chapter functions under the auspices of and with the support of Toronto Paramedic Services.
- Invoicing
- Accounts Receivable
- Accounts Payable
- Instructor Fees
- Course Fees
- Course Contracts
- Records of Instruction
- Co-ordination of Instructor Pool
- Equipment (In-house and loan if available)
- Moulage (In-house)
The Chapter Medical Director and the Chapter Co-ordinator are the Ontario Chapter representatives to ITLS International and the Canadian ITLS Network.
Other Medical Directors, Co-ordinators, Instructors or Providers may represent the Chapter at the request of the Provincial Co-ordinator or Medical Director.
As with any large industry or group, ITLS Ontario has a hierarchical structure that consists of multiple levels with responsibilities that accompany each level. In order to distinguish the roles and responsibilities of each position, a descriptor of each position has been provided.
Chapter Medical Director
The Chapter Medical Director is employed by Toronto Paramedic Services as its Medical Advisor and is responsible for all medical aspects of ITLS for the Ontario Chapter. The Toronto Paramedic Services Medical Advisor’s employment is at the discretion of Toronto Paramedic Services and its chief. Therefore the Ontario ITLS Chapters’ Medical Director’s appointment is subject to all the rules and regulations that apply to that position.
- The Chapter Medical Director is responsible for overseeing all aspects of Medical Control and Quality Assurance for ITLS in Ontario
- The Chapter (Provincial) Medical Director acts as a co-chair of the Chapter Executive and Chapter Advisory Committees
- The Chapter Medical Director is responsible for granting appointment of course medical directors
- Acts as a ITLS International delegate representing ITLS Ontario
- The Chapter medical director must be a physician in good standing within the rules, regulations and legislation that define a physician in the Province of Ontario and in Canada. Furthermore, the physician should have a background consistent with the treatment of patients in the emergent setting.
- Employed by the City of Toronto as the medical advisor for Toronto Paramedic Services.
Chapter Co-ordinator
The Chapter Co-ordinator is employed by Toronto Paramedic Services as a supervisor (Acting or Full) in the Toronto Paramedic Services Education & Development Unit and is appointed by the Toronto Paramedic Services Education and Development Manager. Supervisors for Toronto Paramedic Services are employed at the discretion of Toronto Paramedic Services and its chief and are therefore subject to all the rules and regulations that apply to that position.
Pre-requisites for a Toronto Paramedic Services Education Supervisor may be found in the appendix.
- Acts as co-chairperson for the Chapter Executive and Chapter Advisory Committee
- Oversees day to day operations and administration of courses and finances
- Oversees statistical data for the Chapter
- Maintains faculty and instructor information and rosters
- Approves all Chapter courses
- Disseminates information to the Chapter from ITLS International
- Schedules instructor and affiliate faculty courses for the Chapter
- Oversees instructor and course quality assurance for the Chapter
- Oversees media relations and public relations for the Chapter
- Participate as a representative for the Ontario Chapter to the Canadian ITLS Network and ITLS International.
The Chapter Co-ordinator must be a qualified ITLS instructor. The Co-ordinator must also be familiar with the goals and objectives of ITLS International, its bylaws, and Chapter policies and procedures.
Affiliate Faculty
Affiliate faculty are instructors with a great deal of experience teaching ITLS and are primarily utilized to oversee new and re-certifying instructors and assist the Chapter Co-ordinator as required. Affiliate faculty may be appointed by the Chapter Medical Director and/or the Chapter ITLS Coordinator. The length of term of the affiliate faculty is at the discretion of the Chapter Medical Director and/or the Chapter Co-ordinator and will be ratified by the Executive Committee at their next meeting.
The Chapter Coordinator and/or the Chapter Medical Director has the authority to relieve an affiliate faculty member of their title if programs taught are not consistent with ITLS standards, or if management problems within the program are such as to impede student education or the reputation of the ITLS program within the chapter.
- Monitor the quality of the courses delivered within the chapter
- Monitor new instructors
- Teach instructor and provider level courses
- The affiliate faculty must be ITLS instructors with at least 3 years ITLS/Trauma teaching experience or at the discretion of the Chapter Co-ordinator and/or Medical Director.
- Must complete a Chapter approved affiliate faculty training program. The affiliate faculty must teach in one instructor course or monitor one provider course per year to maintain certification.
Course Director
The ITLS course director is a physician licensed to practice medicine within the Chapter in which the course is taught (Province of Ontario). This physician should be a ITLS instructor or should serve as co-director for one course with a physician ITLS instructor. In unusual circumstances, the Chapter Medical Director may appoint a course director who is not a physician ITLS instructor.
The Chapter Medical Director has the authority to relieve a course co-ordinator of this title if programs taught are not consistent with ITLS standards, or if management problems within the program are such as to impede student education or the reputation of the ITLS program within the chapter.
This physician must be familiar with the program and its components, especially patient assessment and management techniques taught within ITLS instructional material. The course director must ascertain that the program is consistent with ITLS standards.
- Provide clinical oversight during the course. This may be done on-sight or by phone availability
- Act as a resource for the course co-ordinator and instructors teaching the course
- Co-share responsibility for all aspects of the course with the course co-ordinator
- Course directors must be a recognized and licensed physician within the Chapter (Province of Ontario) and have a background consistent with ITLS Standards
- They should be familiar with local EMS systems
- Have the approval of the Chapter Medical Director
Course Co-ordinator
The ITLS course co-ordinator must be an experienced ITLS instructor who is taking on co-responsibility with the course director for all aspects of the course inclusive of financial responsibilities. The course co-ordinator must have previously assisted in the co-ordination of a ITLS course prior to independently conducting a ITLS program.
The course co-ordinator’s efforts must be regularly reviewed by the Chapter Medical Director. The Chapter Medical Director and/or the Chapter Coordinator have the authority to relieve a course co-ordinator of this title if programs taught are not consistent with ITLS standards, or if management problems within the program are such as to impede student education or the reputation of the ITLS program within the chapter.
- Must be present throughout the course and act as the primary resource for information and questions related to administration
- Addresses student concerns regarding instruction and evaluation
- Co-ordinates all aspects of the course including
- Registration of students
- Ensuring appropriate course texts are made available
- Ensuring qualified staffing (ITLS Ontario strives for a maximum 4:1 student to instructor ratio)
- Arranging space for training and assembling equipment
- Coordinating lectures, skill stations and scenarios
- Liaises with the course director regarding the course administration and content
- Grading the written exams
- Ensures all appropriate paperwork and financial remuneration is forwarded to the Chapter in a timeframe set out by the Chapter
- Ensures students receive their cards and certificates in a timely manner
- The course co-ordinator should be a currently certified ITLS instructor in good standing
- Be a certified healthcare professional in the Chapter’s area of operation (i.e. paramedic, nurse, physician etc,)
- The course co-ordinator must be pre-approved by the Chapter Coordinator.
ITLS Instructor
A ITLS instructor at any level (Basic, Advanced, Pediatric or Access) is a person who has completed the required pre-requisites for instructor status in the various courses and is utilized within the Chapter to instruct on Chapter approved courses.
The Chapter Medical Director and/or the Chapter Coordinator have the authority to relieve a course co-ordinator of this title if programs taught are not consistent with ITLS standards, or if management problems within the program are such as to impede student education or the reputation of the ITLS program within the chapter.
- To instruct as requested only to their level of instructor status
- Be knowledgeable and fluent with all aspects of the course they are instructing
- Teach to the standards set out by ITLS International and ITLS Ontario
- Abide by the rules and regulations of ITLS Ontario and ITLS International
- Provide the learner with an education friendly environment
- Assist the course co-ordinator with the set-up and operation of the ITLS course as requested
- Maintain current certification at all times as set out by ITLS International and ITLS Ontario.
See instructor qualifications.
Each instructor candidate should have minimally successfully completed both theoretical and practical testing components of a ITLS Provider course with a score of 86% written and or an instructor potential grade or excellent on the practical scenarios.
Instructors may also be cross-certified from other equivalent programs at the Chapter Coordinators discretion as outlined by ITLS International.
ITLS-Basic Instructor
Instructor Recognition:
ITLS Ontario will recognize ITLS-Basic Instructors based on the following criteria:
- Basic level instructors must be able at all times to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of basic level theory and principles of Basic Trauma Life Support
- Basic level instructors must be able at all times to demonstrate the ability to perform all basic level skills successfully
- All instructors must have met all pre-requisites for the instructor course as set out by ITLS Ontario
- ITLS-Basic instructors have met all maintenance of certification requirements
ITLS-Advanced Instructor
Instructor Recognition:
ITLS Ontario will recognize ITLS-Advanced Instructors based on the following criteria:
- Advanced level instructors must be able at all times to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of both a basic and advanced level theory and principles of Basic Trauma Life Support
- Advanced level instructors must be able at all times to demonstrate the ability to perform all basic and advanced level skills successfully
- Advanced level instructors will be required by the Chapter to produce credentials demonstrating their successful completion of institutional training in advanced life support subjects (Note: An ACLS participant certificate is NOT satisfactory as a stand alone credential). These credentials must be on file with the Chapter office.
- All ITLS-Advanced Instructors must have met all pre-requisites for the instructor course as set out by ITLS Ontario
- ITLS-Advanced instructors have met all maintenance of certification requirements.
ITLS-Pediatric Instructor
Instructor Recognition:
ITLS Ontario will recognize ITLS-Pediatric Instructors based on the following criteria:
- ITLS Pediatric instructors must be able at all times to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of both a basic and advanced level theory and principles of Basic Trauma Life Support
- ITLS-Pediatric instructors must be able at all times to demonstrate the ability to perform all basic and advanced level skills successfully
- ITLS-Pediatric instructors will be required by the Chapter to produce credentials demonstrating their successful completion of institutional training in advanced life support subjects (Note: An ACLS, PALS, NALS participant certificate is NOT satisfactory as a stand alone credential). These credentials must be on file with the Chapter office.
- All ITLS-Pediatric Instructors must have met all pre-requisites for the instructor course as set out by ITLS Ontario
- ITLS-Pediatric instructors have met all maintenance of certification requirements
ITLS-Access Instructor
ITLS Ontario will recognize ITLS-Access Instructors based on the following criteria:
- ITLS-Access instructors must be able at all times to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of both a basic level theory of Basic Trauma Life Support and ITLS-Access
- ITLS-Access instructors must be able at all times to demonstrate the ability to perform all basic and access level skills successfully
- ITLS-Access Instructors must have met all pre-requisites for the instructor course as set out by ITLS Ontario
- ITLS-Access instructors have met all maintenance of certification requirements
ITLS instructor candidates are invited to attend a ITLS Instructor course based on excellent performance in a ITLS provider course and the recommendation of the Course Coordinator. The ITLS instructor candidate must attend a ITLS instructor training course within one year of attending the provider course and have the following qualifications:
- Have attained a minimum of 86% on the ITLS provider written exam
- Have attained “excellent” on a ITLS practical exam scenario
- Been given a recommendation by the ITLS Provider course coordinator
- Have a minimum of 2 years of EMS or equivalent* pre-hospital care experience
*Equivalent is defined as a full time or part-time professional whose responsibilities and job requirements are inclusive of patient care. An emergency room nurse, military medic or a full time firefighter may be considered equivalent. First aid, CPR and AED Instructor status alone would be considered insufficient as a credential. Equivalency will be determined on an individual basis by the Chapter Medical Director and/or the Chapter Coordinator.
Candidates who are successful in the ITLS Ontario Instructor course will be monitored by ITLS Ontario Affiliate Faculty on their first course. Candidates must be successful in their monitoring to be considered instructors. Any costs associated with monitoring will be borne by the course coordinator of the course the candidate is being monitored instructing. The length of term of a ITLS instructor is three years.
Instructor candidates or instructors wishing to teach ITLS-Pediatric or ITLS Access must first attend the course as a provider and then receive a recommendation from the course coordinator to be an instructor candidate. ITLS Pediatric and Access instructor candidates may be required to successfully challenge an instructor course in those areas. Following the above pre-requisites, the instructor candidate will then be monitored by affiliate faculty and granted instructor status by the Chapter Co-ordinator if successful.
- Must meet the requirements of a re-certification program within 3 years of the original course
- Must assist with at least one registered course per year and must be attend a ITLS Ontario Instructor update course as required by the Chapter
- Instructors who fail to maintain certified status will be required to re-certify through a Chapter re-certification course
Course Co-ordinator:
- Must maintain instructor certification and comply with the policies and procedures of the Chapter
Affiliate Faculty:
- Must teach in one instructor course or monitor one provider course per year to maintain certification
- Affiliate faculty who fail to maintain certified status will be required to re-certify through a Chapter re-certification course
The Ontario ITLS Chapter acknowledges reciprocity to all providers who present a valid and
subsisting certificate indicating they successful completion of a ITLS course signed and dated by an authorized ITLS International state or provincial representative. Qualification will be
considered in effect for 3 years beyond the course date.
The Ontario ITLS Chapter acknowledges reciprocity to all ITLS Instructors who present
appropriate documents and a current letter of acknowledgement from their previous state/provincial Co-ordinator or Medical Director. Instructor status will be recognized for 1 year during which time an Ontario ITLS Instructor update, acceptable to the Co-ordinator, must be obtained to maintain certification.
PHTLS & ATLS Instructor Bridge Course Policy
In an effort to facilitate the process by which certified trauma instructors may become ITLS instructors, ITLS International has developed a “bridge” course. ITLS Ontario acknowledges this bridge course as per the following policy which outlines the course requirements.
This course is open to any currently certified PHTLS or ATLS Instructor who wishes to become a ITLS Instructor. A ITLS affiliate faculty member must conduct the course.
This course has been developed to facilitate the process by which certified trauma instructors may become certified as ITLS Instructors. The course assumes that the candidate is familiar with basic instructional methodology and the skills of ITLS. Successful completion certifies the candidate as a ITLS Instructor candidate.
- The prerequisite for registering in the Bridge Course is current PHTLS or ATLS (or similar trauma training program) Instructor Certification.
- Credentials accepted by the Chapter Co-ordinator and/or the Chapter medical director
Following completion of the Bridge Course, the candidate is classified as an “Instructor Candidate” as outlined by the ITLS Ontario instructor candidate policy. In order to become certified as a ITLS Instructor, the candidate must be recommended for certification by a faculty member who monitors the candidate teaching during a ITLS Provider Course. Monitoring must be within 12 months of the bridge course and include teaching a lecture and a scenario station. An extension may be granted on the 12 months if considered appropriate by the Chapter Co-ordinator and/or the Chapter Medical Director.
Once certified, the instructor will follow all requirements of the ITLS Ontario maintenance of certification policy.
All candidates must have current First Aid/CPR certification.
Basic Level ITLS
- Candidates who are currently certified in First Aid/CPR
- Paramedics
- Registered Nurses
- Canadian Military levels Q3-Q5 or equivalent
- Firefighters
- Paramedic and Nursing students
- Firefighting Students
- Other emergency first responders as determined by ITLS International
Anyone wishing to audit the course may do so with the permission of the Course Co-ordinator.
Auditors will not be tested or receive cards or certificates. They may take part in the skill stations at the discretion of the Course Co-ordinator. Auditors may be part of moulage during testing at the discretion of the Course Director.
Successful completion of any ITLS basic level program acknowledges a level of knowledge and skill in performance of basic level skills at time of the course, but does not provide certification in those skills.
Advanced Level ITLS
- Advanced or Critical Care Paramedics
- Emergency, Critical Care and other Acute Care Nurses
- Nurse Practitioners
- Physicians/Medical students
- Physician’s Assistants
- Canadian Military Q6 level and above or equivalent
Any of the target groups for ITLS may take part in and be examined at the advanced level, however, only those above qualify for a ITLS card of attendance at the advanced level. Successful completion of any ITLS advanced level program acknowledges a level of knowledge and skill in performance of advanced level skills at time of the course, but does not provide certification in those skills.
Pediatric ITLS
This course will be useful both to first responders and to hospital staff who deal with pediatric trauma patients. Pediatric ITLS focuses on the unique challenges offered by the injured child. While not mandatory, it is very strongly recommended that participants take a ITLS Basic course prior to ITLS Pediatric. Those who have not taken ITLS prior to this course should contact the course co-ordinator regarding the appropriateness of them attending the course.
- Paramedics
- Emergency/Critical Care Nurses
- Physicians/Medical students
- Canadian Military Q6 level and above or equivalent
- Registered Nurses
Any of the target groups for ITLS may take part in and be examined at the advanced level, however, only those above qualify for a ITLS card of attendance at the advanced level.
Successful completion of any ITLS program acknowledges a level of knowledge and skill in performance of advanced level skills at time of the course, but does not provide certification in those skills.
- Anyone qualified to take ITLS
- Paramedics (Any Level)
- Canadian Military Medics
- Firefighters
- Other emergency first responders
Successful completion of any ITLS program acknowledges a level of knowledge and skill in performance of basic level skills at time of the course, but does not provide certification in those skills.
ITLS-Pediatric:Recommended duration of course: 8-12 hours
ITLS-Basic: | Recommended duration of course: 16-24 hours |
ITLS-Advanced: | Recommended duration of course: 16-24 hours |
ITLS Access: | Recommended duration of course: 8-12 hours |
ITLS-Basic & Advanced Instructor: | Recommended duration of course: 24-30 hours |
ITLS-Basic Re-certification: | Recommended duration of course: 8-12 hours |
ITLS-Advanced Re-certification: | Recommended duration of the course: 8-12 hour |
A student may become a ITLS provider by attending the lectures and skill stations and by passing the written and practical examinations. ITLS providers will receive a card and/or certificate confirming that they have satisfactorily completed the course. Certification is good for three years. Such certification does not guarantee future performance, nor is it a form of licensure of any kind. Students who fail either the written or the practical examination after retesting will be given a letter of attendance so they may receive continuing education credit.
A student who attends the lectures and skill stations, scores at least 74 percent on the written test and at least “adequate” on patient assessment, will pass the course. Students who fail the patient assessment test will usually be retested immediately (time permitting), or given the opportunity to retest within six weeks. Students who pass the retest will pass the course. Students who fail both the written and patient assessment tests will be asked to repeat the course.
Pass/Fail criteria for the patient assessment test include the following:
Inadequate Rating:
- Disorganized survey
- Prolonged on-scene times in the setting of “load and go” situations
- Critical actions missed (such as ventilating a apnoeic patient)
- Missing specific items listed on individual grading sheets
- Making fatal errors (such as allowing poor cervical spine management)
- Causes “death” of the patient
Adequate Rating:
- Reasonable organization of assessment survey
- Accurate identification of “load and go” situations
- Abbreviated on-scene times for “load and go” situations
- Performs critical actions
- Makes no “fatal” errors
Good Rating:
- Organized survey and solid overall performance
- Interacts well with patient and team members
- Performs all critical actions
- Abbreviated on-scene times for “load and go” situations
- Correctly performs or overseas performance of all critical interventions
Excellent Rating:
- Excellent survey organization
- Excellent patient care
- Interacts well with patient and team members
- Directs the team well; displays leadership
- Performs all critical actions
- Demonstrates clear understanding of pre-hospital trauma assessment and management
- Co-operative and supportive in the learning environment
- Conveys attitude of interest and desire to help teach trauma assessment and management
The course director will outline to the student conditions under which any re-testing may take place. This may be inclusive of re-taking a portion of the course.
Students who fail the patient assessment test will usually be retested immediately (time permitting), or given the opportunity to retest within six weeks or in the next available course. Students who fail the written test may be given the opportunity to retake the test after having had time to review the test and study identified areas of weakness. The retake of the written test will be within six weeks or in the next available course. Students who pass the retest will pass the course. Students who fail both the written and patient assessment tests will be asked to repeat the course. Students may not retest in order to raise a passing grade.
In order for courses to be run and recognized within the ITLS Ontario Chapter, the following documentation must be submitted:
- ITLS Ontario Course Approval Form
- ITLS Ontario Course Summary Form
- ITLS Ontario Course Roster
The utilizing and submission of the ITLS Ontario Course Evaluation Form at this time is optional. The following is a description of the forms and their date requirements:
ITLS Ontario Course Approval Form
This must be received by ITLS Ontario no later than four weeks prior to the course start date. It may be faxed or e-mailed directly. This allows the Chapter to anticipate card and certificate need, allow for textbook ordering and to allow the Chapter to audit the course if desired.
While approval for courses is not automatic, the Chapter has no plans to stop courses for occurring without cause. The Chapter’s main concern will be that enough qualified instructors are teaching the course and that candidates wishing to be audited as instructors are accommodated.
Courses not approved will not be recognized. Should extenuating circumstances occur, the Chapter Coordinator should be contacted directly.
ITLS Ontario Course Summary & ITLS Ontario Course Roster
This course summary and payment is to accompany the course roster upon completion of any ITLS Course. This summary, payment and roster must be received by ITLS Ontario no later than 30 days post course.
Rosters, payment and summary not received within 30 days may not be accepted. Should extenuating circumstances occur, please contact me directly.
Coordinators please note: Due to a variety of factors, new cards and certificates will not be issued for client spelling errors not of the Chapter’s fault. Please ensure that all names on the roster are legible and correct. The students name, address, profession, written score, practical score and IP should be filled out and not left blank. Large single entity groups may use one complete address. This information is required as we may contact the students as part of our quality assurance.
ITLS Course Evaluation Form
This form is for course coordinators to get direct feedback from students on how the course is being presented. While these forms are not a requirement, it is important for both the course coordinator and the instructors to be able to conduct self-critique. ITLS Ontario encourages course co-ordinators and directors to incorporate these forms into courses.
Specific Time Requirements for Course Notification and Documentation Return
As noted in the forms section, specific times for course notification, course summary and course roster are required for any courses scheduled after November 1, 2001. The mandatory course timing is as follows:
Course Notification: | A minimum of four weeks prior to course date |
Course Roster: | No longer than thirty days post course |
Course Summary: | No longer than thirty days post course |